Do you ever read the notes written by your doctor or health practitioner during a medical visit? If not, you might want to check them out. Usually, these medical notes are full of helpful insights about your health and reminders of recommendations discussed. And there’s medicalese, of course: hard-to-pronounce illnesses, medications, and technical terms. But […]
Category: HEALTH
Hot weather hikes: Staying safe when temperatures spike
Summer is an ideal time to take a hike, especially if you have the opportunity to explore one of our country’s many state and national parks. But if you venture far from home, it’s essential to make sure you’re prepared for the local climate and other conditions you may encounter on the trail, especially if […]
What is Lewy body dementia?
Months after actor and comedian Robin Williams took his own life in August 2014, autopsy results revealed he had a devastating disease: Lewy body dementia (LBD). Unlike Alzheimer’s disease and even frontotemporal dementia, this brain disorder has tended to hide in the shadows. But work is underway to change that, says Dr. Stephen Gomperts, an […]
Cannabis drinks: How do they compare to alcohol?
More than half of Americans live in states where recreational cannabis is legal. While alcohol remains the most-used drug in the US, daily cannabis use has actually outpaced daily drinking, according to a study following four decades of consumption trends. Changing drinking habits and new products likely play a role. Are you rethinking drinking […]
Protect your skin during heat waves — here’s how
Global average temperatures have soared in 2024, surpassing records set just last year. Extreme heat poses numerous health risks, some of which are visible on our skin. Understanding how heat affects your skin can help you take measures to prevent or ease heat rash, eczema, rosacea, the discoloration of melasma, and many other skin conditions […]
A fresh look at risks for developing young-onset dementia
Dementia usually develops in people ages 65 years and older. So-called young-onset dementia, occurring in those younger than age 65, is uncommon. Now, a new study published in December 2023 in JAMA Neurology has identified 15 factors linked to a higher risk of young-onset dementia. Let’s see what they found, and — most importantly — […]
How — and why — to fit more fiber and fermented food into your meals
An F may mean failure in school, but the letter earns high marks in your diet. The two biggest dietary Fs — fiber and fermented foods — are top priorities to help maintain healthy digestion, and they potentially offer much more. How can you fit these nutrients into meals? Can this help your overall health […]
Do tattoos cause lymphoma?
Not so long ago, a friend texted me from a coffee shop. He said, "I can't believe it. I'm the only one here without a tattoo!" That might not seem surprising: a quick glance around practically anywhere people gather shows that tattoos are widely popular. Nearly one-third of adults in the US have a tattoo, […]
Does sleeping with an eye mask improve learning and alertness?
All of us have an internal clock that regulates our circadian rhythms, including when we sleep and when we are awake. And light is the single most important factor that helps establish when we should feel wakeful (generally during the day) and when we should feel sleepy (typically at night). So, let me ask you […]
How do trees and green spaces enhance our health?
Trees enhance life in a multitude of ways. They combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They muffle sound pollution and reduce air pollution, drawing in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. When rain pours from the skies, trees decrease stormwater runoff, preventing flooding and soil erosion. They also provide valuable habitats to […]